Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Spiritual Ramifications of Only Having Someone Good At Stuff Write This Blog

Drew asked me to contribute to this blog. I think this is hilarious. How to not watch TV? Just don't watch it. How to not watch TV by DIYing? That's a good idea for someone that can handle a slip knot. Though, you'd think they'd just crotchet while watching TV. Anyway, if Drew and I had a Venn Diagram of our interests "Loving TV" and "DIY" would almost always be only in his part of his circle (excluding backyard farming of course).

Now, if I were going to start a parallel blog to his, it would probably be called "How to Not Read Everyone Else's Blogs Online and All Of The Comments and Realize That You Are More Liberal Than 98% Of The Nation And Die A Little On The Inside" which is too long of a title and why I haven't created a parallel blog. My suggestions would probably involve a lot of Zen Buddhism which is pretty overdone. (Though, isn't DIY kind of overdone? Maybe adding TV makes it more original?)

Anyway, maybe Drew wants me to contribute to his blog because I represent The Worst DIYer/TV fanatic Ever. Just today, I ruined the robiola cheese he was making by waking up too late, stirring it too much, and not being precise enough. Much of the test mead we made for our prewedding tastes a little like rubbing alcohol. I think that once again this boils down to me not being particular enough with directions. (Maybe we should count spicing things as DIY because I'm good at that!) I have also bled all over the chickens I was processing, ruined many TV shows by complaining about how stressful they are, took waaaaaay too many swings to kill a chicken, destroyed plants by overwatering...

And we all know that I can't tie a slip knot.

So I suppose I am the shadow side of this blog. Feeling blue that your chickens won't lay? No worries, its just part of the shadow side. Confused as to why your bookshelf is crooked? Its just the other half of DIY. Frustrated that your curds won't form ? Relax, its a spiritual thing. There's a yin and yang to this stuff.

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