Sunday, August 26, 2012

Blog Update!

Ok, so making cheese is a bit of work. Today I made Ricotta and Halloumi (grill-able) cheese, and I've got a batch of Buttermilk Cheddar going right now. I'm excited about FINALLY being able to use the cheese press that I made a few weeks ago (right before going on a soft cheese -- read: cheese that doesn't need pressing -- binge). Here's the new one. Notice how it does not require two walls and a half dozen other things to stay up. I like that feature best.

I also fixed up the updated chicken coop. It kind of fell apart while I was out of town, and although when balanced correctly it stayed up, it was not easy to get into. Now it should be fine.

The top part (with the blue tarp) was the original coop. Hannah and Ali helped me make the bottom part. It needed to be a little bigger, since we doubled the size of our flock from four to eight. The chickens like it more too because they can roost higher off the ground. Hopefully they will feel safer that way. In the past, we've had chickens decide to roost in trees and on the fence at night, necessitating late night capture of wayward chickens -- not fun. Hopefully we will be able to let them out into the rest of the enclosure soon. When we did last week, they all escaped into various neighbor's yards. Apparently, they are small enough to get through holes in the fence that the bigger chickens cannot.

I have been having a lot of fun at farmer's markets lately. I was really hoping to have time to do some canning this year... I wanted to invent a salsa recipe designed to go on burgers. I think that may have to wait until next year though, as I'm running out of time this summer. Unfortunately, because of pests, we have not been able to have gardens in this house. Two pests in particular: Bella and Heidi.

Heidi demonstrating why we don't have a garden. Bella getting into something she shouldn't.

Nope, fences don't help.

Enjoy your week everyone! I think I'm going to have a glass of home brew beer and watch some Big Bang Theory...

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